Those who are new to Telegram must have come to the question that what are Telegram Bots? How are they made? If you telegram him. So, you must know what a telegram bot is? If you do not know, after reading this article, you will know how to make a telegram bot.
Bot creation is a phased process simplified by Telegram. But still, some users face difficulty in creating bots and adding custom details, bios, and logos. So in the article below, you will understand how to create a Telegram bot and add custom descriptions, bio, and logos.
Create Telegram Bot Using Botfather
To create a Telegram boat, one must first create an API Token in the BotFather. Follow all the steps given below.
Step 1 - Search the Botfather in telegram and check whether it is official or not, the official Botfather must be blue ticked.
And Click Start Button.
Step 2 - To create your own Telegram bot, touch on /newbot. After touching, set the name with which you want to create the bot. After setting the name, set a unique username. If the username is not set, then you can try by keeping another username.
Step 3- After the username is received, a confirmed message will come from a Botfather. It must have been given an API key. The API key is very important to create Telegram Bot.
Step 4 - Now your Bot is ready For use. Now to customize it, you have to edit the logo, description, and bio.
Step 5 - Send /mybots message to BotFather to apply for the description and logo. The list will appear as many bot you have created. Select the one whose logo description is to be changed or new.
Step 6 - Select Your Bot And Click/Touch On 'Edit Bot' Button
Step 7 - Here you will find the complete control panel. From here, you can edit whatever you want to edit. Like Bot Name, Bot Description, Bot Pic/logo, Bot About Section