Plus UI V2.6.1 Blogger Template with Safelink Free Download

PR Gujju

 Hey there! In this post, I want to tell you about a really cool blogger template called Plus UI. It's a premium design that's perfect for making your blog look awesome!

One of the best things about Plus UI is that it loads really quickly, which is important because people don't want to wait around for your website to load. It's also very search engine friendly, which means that your blog posts will show up higher in search results, so more people can find your blog.

Plus UI is also responsive, which means that it looks good on any device, whether you're using a computer, tablet, or phone. This is important because people are using all kinds of different devices to browse the internet these days.

Overall, Plus UI is a great choice if you're making a blog about technology news, blogging, software, gaming, or anything else modern. It's a really fast, good-looking template that will make your blog stand out from the crowd.

If you're looking for a really good blogger template that works well for all kinds of websites, then you should check out Plus UI. It's a great template that you should definitely try out!

I'll explain all the features of this template in detail below, so be sure to read this post all the way through. That way, you'll know exactly what you're getting when you use Plus UI.

Why we want Plus ui V2.6

Plus UI V2.6 is a blogger template with many unique add-on features that you won't find in any other templates, even on platforms like Envato.

Here are some of the cool features:

  1. Realtime Views: This feature displays a counter that shows how many people are viewing your posts in real-time.
  2. Maintenance Mode: You can turn on this feature to prevent viewers from accessing your site while you're making changes. It only appears when an admin is logged in.
  3. Quick Edit: This feature displays an Edit button for admins, which allows them to easily make changes to their blog content, including backing up the contents and deleting unwanted comments.
  4. Bookmark Posts: Visitors can use this feature to save and bookmark posts to read later.
  5. System Default Mode: This feature automatically switches the theme color between light and dark based on the user's device color scheme.
  6. Theme Color: You can set any color you want and let visitors choose their favorite theme color for your blog.
  7. Music Player: This feature allows you to play audio files on your blog.
  8. Countdown Download Box: This feature helps you to provide a download link for files on your website.
  9. Anti Ad-Blocker: This feature helps to increase your ad revenue by preventing users from blocking your ads.
  10. Cookie Consent: This feature gets user consent for using cookies on your website.
  11. Country Block: This feature blocks specific country users from accessing your site.
  12. No Internet Connection: This feature notifies users when they lose their internet connection.
  13. Force Javascript: This feature helps to serve ads and content seamlessly.
  14. Google Translate: This feature provides multilingual support for your blog.
  15. Safelink: This feature increases post views and helps you to earn more money.
  16. Article Rating: This feature allows users to rate your posts.

Plus UI very Responsive Design

Plus UI V2.6 Blogger Template is a template that loads quickly. It works well on all devices, including mobile devices, which is important because search engines like Google prioritize mobile indexing. That's why having a responsive website is important. All of these features are included in the Plus UI V2.6 Blogger Template.

Plus UI V2.6 is Completely SEO Friendly

The Plus UI V2.6 blogger template is designed to be optimized for search engines. This means that all the necessary meta tags and other SEO features are included in this template. Without optimization, a website is just HTML and is not considered valuable. Therefore, the Plus UI V2.6.1 blogger template is fully optimized to ensure maximum search results.

Here are some of the best features of the Plus UI V2.6.1 Template:

  1. Fully responsive design that works well on all devices
  2. Multi-colored design for a more vibrant look
  3. Mobile-friendly layout for easy viewing on mobile devices
  4. SEO-friendly design to improve search engine rankings
  5. Shortcode support for easy customization
  6. Auto read more with thumbnail for improved user experience
  7. Responsive footer for a cohesive design
  8. Social follow buttons for easy social media integration
  9. Multi-drop down menu for improved navigation
  10. Related posts with thumbnail for increased engagement
  11. Detailed documentation for easy setup and customization
  12. Back to top button for easy navigation
  13. Best responsive menu and layout for a clean, modern design
  14. Schema markup for improved search engine visibility
  15. Easy menu navigation for improved user experience.

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About the Author

PR Gujju
Blogger | Youtuber | Beginner Coder

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  1. Hey can you provide me your old blogger theme which you have used last year ago.
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